Using ammonia to kill germs and keep floors clean

Ammonia kills germs and is the perfect way to cut through grease. Many Commercial cleaning Cheltenham companies will use higher grade cleaners than those that you can buy in the supermarkets and these may or may not contain ammonia depending on the preferences of the cleaning company. We offer some top tips below on how to go about cleaning your floors with ammonia that include practical tips as well as some safety precautions.

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Keep it clean

Before you start to clean your floor, make sure that any fragments on the surface are removed. Use either a soft household broom or a dustpan to make sure the area is free of dirt. Open any windows in the room to alleviate the smell of the fumes.

The next step

When mixing water and ammonia together, the amount of ammonia used depends on the area you are cleaning.

Don’t soak

Remember that rubber gloves are a must. Don’t soak the floor, apply a small amount of the mixture only. It is a good idea to always check the manufacturer’s instructions when it comes to knowing how best to clean your flooring to ensure that you do not cause further damage.

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Scrub on

A soft bristled brush is the next step: this will remove all mildew but won’t affect the grouting. Use a sponge in hard-to-reach areas. Again, remember that ammonia can be overpowering so get that air circulating. Where possible you should open the windows in the room that you are cleaning to ensure that there is enough ventilation whilst you are working with the ammonia based product. his is good advice for any cleaning products that you are using as the chemicals and perfumes included in these can very quickly become overpowering and can lead to the increase of existing breathing problems.

Take care

Make sure that when you have finished your floor cleaning, you rinse out the bucket well. Do this a few times and re-fill with clean water. You should also ensure that you keep all of the products that you use away from young people and that they are stored where possible in a locked cupboard.

Complete the task

We recommend mopping your floor a good few times to remove all traces of the ammonia: make sure that you replenish the water in your bucket each time you mop to ensure the end result is a germ-free floor!

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