What Restaurants Need to Know About Website Design

In order to succeed, restaurants don’t just need to serve their customers a good plate of food. They also need to serve a great experience, both while customers are eating but also via their websites when they are researching and considering a place to eat.

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Website design for restaurants needs to grab attention, show a potential customer what’s right for them about a certain restaurant and help patrons find what they are looking for.

The Right Ingredients

According to Crazy Egg, a restaurant needs to employ professional photography, compelling copy, easily accessed information, online reservation tools and links to their social media.

One of the most important things to consider is how the website can be designed to look great on mobile phones, because such a high number of searches for restaurants are done by people on their mobile phone.

When people are looking at it on a mobile phone, they may want to quickly call up to make a reservation, and you need to think about including a “click to call” button on your site.

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Another thing they may well be wanting to do via their mobile is find a restaurant that is close to them while they’re out and about, so make sure you’ve included all the correct and specific location information on Google Maps so that people can use this to direct themselves to your restaurant door.

Google also ranks websites in search results pages based on the quality of their mobile sites, so it is important for you to find a Gloucester website design agency that is expert in how to optimise your website for Google.

When looking for the right website design company Gloucester has experts such as Net 9 Design. They will be able to consult with you about designing, developing and maintaining a website that will keep your customers satisfied.

The Right Combination

Once you’ve got the basics, you need to make your site mobile-friendly, and you need to consider how to organise and prioritise all the information you want to get across.

You could publicise special midweek offers, show the ambience of your space and how it can work for small groups or larger parties, or highlight new photographs of your speciality meals and ingredients that give customers something they can’t find elsewhere.

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