Are aggressive parents spoiling football for the kids?

Many parents dream that their child will be the next Messi or Cristiano Ronaldo. The prestige and the money would certainly come in handy. This could explain why we’ve all witnessed pushy parents screaming their kids on during a football match and shouting at the referee if a decision doesn’t go their way. However, sports organisers are warning that the abuse is getting so severe that someone could be killed.

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Should parents be given a red card?

After hearing reports of parents headbutting match officials, fighting, and even threatening to stab one referee, Surrey Youth League chairman Graham Ekins has called for offenders to be banned. He has written to all Surrey Youth League clubs calling on them to ban problematic parents. He also told Sky Sports about other incidents when a referee aged under-18 was abused by players, games having to be abandoned and players threatening to trash the dressing room.

Some of the referees in charge of the games are teenagers themselves and are unable to rein in out-of-control parents. These Sunday league matches are supposed to be fun. It’s a chance for youngsters to play competitive football, enjoy some exercise and build-up their skills in the hope of attracting a scout’s eye. However, the level of abuse has seen referees quit and children upset by the criticism shouted at them by spectators.

Are aggressive parents spoiling football for the kids

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Putting the fun back into football

It is understandable for parents to get carried away if they feel their child is not being protected by the referee or the wrong decisions are made, but it is only right that persistent offenders who make threats or physically attack officials or players should be banned. Otherwise, players could lose their confidence and give up the sport they love. In one report, a football coach decided to improve his students’ self-esteem by getting them to dress for success. He felt that if you look good, you’ll feel good and you play better. If you’re a coach and want to improve morale within your team, you could look at Adidas football kits for your team, such as those at

These young players will be following in the footsteps of some of the greatest players on the planet with Lionel Messi, Gareth Bale, Mezut Ozil, Fernando Torres and Kaka among the athletes sponsored by the brand.

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