All About Disability Ramps

A disability ramp or wheelchair ramp can be a great addition to a home. Preparing your home to have a disability ramp is not as difficult as it may sound, there are many different options available, for instance you could either install a permanent ramp in a house or you could buy a portable one that could be used when needed depending on the situation. Ramps are regulated by certain jurisdictions so that they are a certain width and include certain parameters. This is because ramps need to be well built in order to function properly; one of the worst things that could occur is a ramp breaking, thanks to these regulations this is not expected to happen.

Permanent Disability Ramps are generally designed to be bolted or cemented into their spots. They usually are installed as walk ways to businesses or homes. However, many home owners have decided to include ramps on the inside of their homes. This of course is up to personal taste and depends on the situation of the people living in the household. Some households have found it easier to install semi-permanent disability ramps instead of permanent ramps on the inside of the house.


Semi-permanent ramps can be a great alternative to permanent ramps. Many of them can be just as study as a permanent ramp, and they are great for the inside or outside of establishments and households. Semi-permanent ramps are usually made of the same type of material as permanent ramps, such as aluminum, concrete, or wood. They are strong and reliable and can be used for just as long as permanent ramps. The aluminum ramps are generally stronger than wooden ramps, they are also easier to move and reconfigured than wood or concrete ramps.

Portable ramps can be used for almost all of the same things as semi-permanent and permanent disability ramps. They are generally made of aluminum and are built to be folded up. They work great in houses, outside houses, and for business establishments just like the other ramps. The huge plus of a portable ramp is their ability to be used in many situations. Portable ramps for instance are generally used in cars and vans, as it is too difficult to install any other type of ramp in a vehicle. Their ability to fold up makes them easy to use for the passengers that need their use.

The Americans with Disabilities Act requires some specific measurements from ramps to ensure safety. Currently the required slope is 1:12 for wheelchairs and scooters. This applies to all business entities; however it does not apply to residential homes. Even though there is no limit or specification for residential homes, owners are advised not to pass at least a ratio of 2:12 to ensure safety. The longer the ramp the more gentle the rise of the ramp should always be, this is to ensure safety as well as comfort and to ease use of the ramp. Ramps are also not allowed to exceed 30 feet of an upward slope in non-residential areas.

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