10 Tips for Better Sleep

If you’re tired of counting sheep, wandering around in bed, or you’re out of ideas for insomnia. These tips will help you sleep better, enjoy a good rest and get up with energy and with a smile.

1. Make room for the dream

10 Tips for Better Sleep

Avoid any distractions at bedtime. It is very important to sleep well that in the room there is no electronic device, including the mobile phone, televisions, and laptops, to create a more peaceful environment. In this way, you will make it easier for the brain to disconnect and relax, to focus on resting and sleeping.

2. Take a bath

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Taking a bath or showering before going to sleep helps to relax the body and mind, which will help facilitate the transition from the stress of the day to the rest of the bed. In addition, it increases the temperature of the body and the temperature drop after the bath, it will encourage the body to think that it is time to go to sleep. If oils add essential in the bathroom, increase the effects of relaxation and rest. Finally taking a dipping before going to sleep gives the feeling to the brain to cleanse of all the worries and sensations accumulated during the day and facilitates the disconnection of this, improving sleep and rest.

3. Go running

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Exercising during the day can help you fall asleep more easily and quickly. But do not make the workout too intense close to bedtime why, exercise causes the body to produce headlines and activate the body and mind, making it difficult to fall asleep. So it is advisable to exercise a few hours before bed.

4. Create a non-work policy

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The bedroom has to be a dream refuge, a place for relaxation and rest (and sex!). So you should try not to do any work-related task as it can affect the ability to disconnect from daily worries. In short, when you enter the room there is no emails, bills or stress.

5. Enter a routine

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Our body likes routine. Going to sleep and wake up more or less at the time each day (including weekends) will help schedule your body to sleep better.

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6. Aromas in the atmosphere

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Sprinkling a few drops of lavender oil on the pillow helps you have a deeper, more peaceful sleep. One study has shown that aromatherapy with lavender can help decrease nervous system activity, improve sleep capacity and promote relaxation. It also smells wonderful and provides an atmosphere of tranquility and peace for the whole room, helping to transform the bedroom into a shelter to sleep well.

7. Goodbye to Caffeine

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It is important to avoid coffee and other stimulants such as soda, energy drinks or tea, a few hours before going to sleep. Since they cause that the deep sleep cannot be reached, a reason why they prevent a good physical and mental rest.

Instead, a glass of warm milk or an infusion of chamomile help the body to reach deep sleep.

8. Get up

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If you cannot fall asleep or wake up at night, you do not have to worry or frustrate yourself. What you have to do is get up and do something quiet relaxing, like reading for 20 minutes. On the other hand, you have to avoid turning on the television, as it will only make the brain activate and be more alert, making it more difficult to sleep. After this period of distraction, you have to go back to bed.

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9. Herbal infusion

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There are a variety of herbal infusions that can be used to remedy insomnia. Do not abuse infusions and take one each day, but only on some occasions, when it is more difficult to sleep. Since only the body becomes accustomed to its properties and when it is needed it will have no effect.

10. Low light

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Before going to sleep, it is advisable to reduce lighting to help the body lower the intensity of performance and improve the transition to bed. Then once in the bedroom, you have to make sure that everything is as dark as possible. Having the blinds lowered and curtains favor that there is no light in the room, as well as closing the door and not having any apparatus that emits light.

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