Microsoft says that Windows 10 does not display advertising only “advice notifications”

When this week we gave you several tips to eliminate advertising showing occasionally Windows 10, some of you defeatist in the comments how much should be ethical or not an operating system that had paid advertising. Well, there seems no problem for Microsoft, because the Redmond would have told Softpedia that consider that there is no advertising on your system.

microsoft-says-that-windows-10-does-not-display-advertising-only-advice-notificationsMicrosoft’s reaction is because there has been criticism this week after an editor of PC World network to complain on Twitter that your Windows 10 Pro had begun to offer new jobs related to Microsoft Edge when using Chrome. To this, we must add other notices advertising with which Windows 10 will suggest you download games or applications, or take advantage of offers and discounts Office.

“As we continue to improve Microsoft Edge, we want to inform our users about new features that are available both in the browser and Windows 10,” he has told Softpedia a representative for Microsoft. “The suggestion notifications Windows were created to provide people with quick and easy information that can help them improve their experience with Windows 10”.

Therefore, Microsoft does not see that infernos discounts or free movies if you use Microsoft Office or Edge is advertising, but consider a system to remind the supposed advantages of using its products. In addition, they reiterate that tips are optional because, as we told you, there are methods to disable them.

Sean advertising or innocent advice, what is clear is that the method used is in tune with the strategy that Microsoft has been following since the release of Windows 10 so people use both the operating system and its applications. Just remember the so insistently that they were “suggesting” to users of Windows 7 and 8 to give the jump to the new version by continuous notifications.

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