What are the Benefits of Working from Home?

The vast majority of us will at some point have realised that the job we travel to and from each day could easily be done in the comfort of our own home. But why are some employers so against the idea of their employees working from home, especially considering the many benefits that come with it?

What are the Benefits of Working from Home

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Employee Benefits

A recent survey found that the majority of home workers found the work-home balance the main benefit of their role at home. Avoiding the long commute, sitting in traffic and the cost of transport were also major factors for those who preferred working at home. Whilst some employers believe that allowing working from home encourages their workers to take advantage and do less, those who do work from home stated that their environment allowed them to be less distracted and more productive.

Benefits to the Employer

Whilst some employers prefer to witness employee productivity first hand, possibly the greatest reason to allow workers to do the job at home is the ability to hire from any location. You are not bound by geographical areas, meaning you will have access to a much larger range of suitable candidates. They can still attend any necessary meetings through video calls and are available via phone or email. You might not get to see them face to face often, if ever, but it doesn’t negatively impact your line of communication.

What are the Benefits of Working from Home2

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Space to Work

Working from home would be considered a selling point for most people when looking for a job. However, some just don’t have the space available. There are options for this: for example, you could consider garden offices if your home itself isn’t spacious enough. You can see why it is a good option here: http://www.gardenspaces.co.uk/garden-rooms/garden-offices/. People find that cutting an hour-long commute down to a few seconds is always a bonus. If you are looking at building an area to work in, you may have to look at planning permission. You can find out whether you will need it here: https://www.gov.uk/planning-permission-england-wales/when-you-need-it. However, providing the building is within the regulations regarding the height and distance from your home, you may not need it at all.

Working from home has a whole host of benefits for employee and employer. It’s no wonder it’s becoming an increasingly popular choice.

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