How To Remove Warts During Pregnancy?

How To Remove Warts During Pregnancy?

Anxious for the health of the baby, the expectant mother begins to closely monitor any changes in the body. In some women, pregnancy can provoke the appearance on the body of small skin growths, which are popularly called warts. The true cause of skin tumors is the human papillomavirus (HPV), which is activated under conditions of increased stress. A virus held back by immune cells can stay in a passive state for a long time. But some factors that weaken the natural protection, can lead to its external manifestation – the growth of warts. In pregnant women, this is due to the natural suppression of immunity and the functional restructuring of organs.on this article, know how to remove warts during pregnancy?

How To Remove Warts During Pregnancy?

Types and features of warts

Whether warts can be removed during pregnancy depends primarily on their type.

Dermatologists distinguish between:

  • Plantar warts. Formations of a dense structure with an external horn layer. Absolutely safe, but can cause significant discomfort to a pregnant woman while walking.
  • Filamentous warts. Soft papillomas of corporal coloring, quite often having a thin jumper (leg). Located mainly in the armpits, in the neck, chest, on the eyelids. Maybe rubbed and damaged by mechanical contact: in contact with clothes and tight clothing, with massage and other procedures.

How To Remove Warts During Pregnancy?

It is recommended to remove such formations during pregnancy with their permanent injury, which is fraught with the appearance of a non-healing, bleeding wound. An infection can penetrate into it, which is extremely undesirable for a pregnant woman.

  • Genital warts. Represent multiple soft papillomas of pink color with a keratinized surface. They have the usual elongated shape, over time they can merge into papillary growths in a shape similar to cauliflower.

Condylomas appear exclusively on the mucous membranes of the body. The favorite places of their localization:

  • labia,
  • vagina,
  • Cervix,
  • the area around the anus,
  • urethra,
  • less often – oral cavity.

The growth of genital warts is often accompanied by severe itching. Remove them in a planned manner, and during pregnancy to get rid of warts should immediately. Such formations in the genital area are a constant source of HPV and are not safe for the child since there is a risk of infection during birth.

How To Remove Warts During Pregnancy?

Why do appear warts during pregnancy?

Doctors consider the following as the leading causes of papillomatosis in expectant mothers:

  • Toxicosis, weakening the vitality and resistance of the body.
  • Hormonal adjustment. Elevated levels of progesterone cause changes in the epithelium.
  • Chronic pathology. It is noted that warts occur during exacerbation of gastrointestinal diseases.
  • Damage to the skin, violation of tissue tropism caused by an increase in body weight.
  • Wearing uncomfortable tight clothing.

When should I remove warts during pregnancy?

Papillomas are benign tumors. They do not pose a direct threat to the health of the mother and fetus. More seriously should be taken to the wart, which began to grow rapidly. In such a situation, you need to consult a dermatologist. He will advise how you can safely withdraw papilloma. At the occurrence of condylomas immediately see the gynecologist.

Thus, warts during pregnancy, wart removal are resorted to in the following cases:

  • the rapid growth of tumors, changing its color;
  • the appearance of genital warts;
  • painful or permanently traumatized papilloma.

How To Remove Warts During Pregnancy?

Most vulgar warts are suggested to be removed after childbirth, especially if the education does not because of the woman physical discomfort. Removal of genital warts and rapidly growing skin lesions is indicated after 28 weeks. In order to effectively remove papillomas, modern medicine offers the expectant mother several safe ways. Let’s talk about them in more detail.

How can I remove warts during pregnancy?

When choosing the method of removing papillomas should be based on the opinion of an independent specialist. An unequivocal judgment as to which technician is most suitable for the gestation period is not currently worked out. Much depends on the size, condition, and the location of the wart on the body. Most doctors prefer modern technologies: radio wave and laser surgery.

Tell you about the pros and cons of possible methods for removing papillomas used in pregnancy.

Radio destruction removes skin tumors with radio waves. The manipulation is painless, there is no bleeding and the possibility of infection. Damage to healthy tissue is minimized.

Laser therapy operates with a medical laser. As well as radio waves, the technique does not have a systemic effect on the body, eliminates the formation of scars and scars. The laser beam acts locally by burning the wart. The only negative – the inability to apply local anesthesia, which is prohibited during pregnancy. Removal without anesthesia causes some discomfort to the woman.

How To Remove Warts During Pregnancy?

Cryodestruction removes warts by freezing with liquid nitrogen cooled to -400 ° C. The papilloma cells are instantly destroyed, but for large neoplasms, a repeated procedure may be necessary. Anesthesia is not required. The negative points include prolonged healing (up to a month). Condylomas during pregnancy are allowed to be removed only if they are located on the vulva. When they are localized on the internal genitals, this technique is not used.

Surgical excision. A rather traumatic method is rarely used during pregnancy:

  • in the presence of volumetric papillomatous growth;
  • if necessary histological examination.

The surgeon cuts healthy tissue and removes the wart. Finally, neat seams are applied. The art of the doctor is to excise without scar formation.

How To Remove Warts During Pregnancy?

Features of the treatment of warts during pregnancy

Before deciding how to remove genital warts during pregnancy, the doctor performs the following steps:

  1. Conducts inspection in the mirrors to exclude the presence of internal warts.
  2. Takes a smear for STDs to detect associated genital infections.
  3. Assigns a PCR assay to classify the virus.

HPV can be divided into two types: low and increased oncogenic risk. Highly oncogenic strains, as a rule, form flat warts in the cervical area. In such cases, a neoplasm biopsy is performed before removal. Genital warts on the vulva indirectly indicate a low risk of rebirth.

Regardless of the type and localization, genital warts are necessarily removed before delivery, to eliminate the possibility of infection by the newborn virus. If the formation is located on the internal genital organs and is associated with a high oncogenic risk, a cesarean section is recommended. Prompt delivery will reduce the burden on the affected cervix.

Drug treatment of HPV infection with antiviral drugs is recommended after the 33rd week.

How To Remove Warts During Pregnancy?

After delivery, it is possible to conduct specific immunotherapy to prevent the recurrence of HPV.


Removing papillomas during pregnancy, pay attention to some dangerous moments:

  • According to some medical sources, cryotherapy warts provokes preterm labor. The justification of this method still causes scientific debate among doctors.
  • Surgical removal is heavy stress for both women and children. If you can not do without it, contact highly qualified specialists.
  • Antiviral medicines and traditional medicine can cause allergies in pregnancy, even if no side effects have been observed before. Do not forget that during this period immunity becomes oversensitive.
  • Removal of warts is allowed without the use of anesthesia.

How To Remove Warts During Pregnancy?

Traditional methods during pregnancy: the pros and cons

If the removal of a non-aggressive wart is shown, for example, a plantar wart, it can only be removed by non-toxic natural remedies. Such well-known compounds such as celandine juice, the drug “Super Cleaner”, acetic acid, iodine, pregnant women are prohibited. They have a toxic effect on the body. In addition, the removal of warts with similar substances can lead to the formation of non-healing ulcers and scars. Tying the leg of the wart with a silk thread is also not recommended, as this may cause its growth.

After consulting a dermatologist, a small wart can be tried to reduce by non-aggressive natural remedies. These include chalk, egg white, onions, garlic.

How to remove warts with chalk

Thickly smear the papilloma with a piece of chalk, repeat the procedure 3-4 times during the day until it disappears completely. You can powder the formation of crushed chalk and bandage. It takes about two weeks to remove a wart in this way.

Papillomas garlic

There are many popular methods for reducing warts based on garlic. For pregnant women, the most benign option is suitable: rub the wart with a freshly cut garlic clove 2-3 times a day. Put a sterile dressing on top. The treatment time is 2-3 weeks.

How To Remove Warts During Pregnancy?

Unfortunately, traditional medicine does not guarantee deliverance from a wart. When using these recipes, be sure to monitor the condition of the skin. If itching, irritation or flaking is noted, immediately discontinue the procedure. The body reacts unpredictably during pregnancy, so it is most reasonable to entrust the removal of a wart to physicians of the appropriate profile.

Do not forget about prevention

In order to prevent the growth of warts, doctors advise being more attentive during pregnancy to the generally accepted hygienic rules. Personal hygiene products of a pregnant woman should be strictly individual. Particular attention should be paid to the exclusion of the sexual transmission of HPV. Treatment of papillomavirus needs to pass both partners to prevent re-infection.

How To Remove Warts During Pregnancy?

Remove warts during pregnancy is possible only as indicated by a dermatologist or gynecologist. After the birth of the baby, the hormonal background stabilizes, which contributes to the independent disappearance of some papillomas.

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