Personal Hygiene and Limited Mobility

The first issue to consider is how often you will need to change your clothing. While dressing is easy for many, it can be hard for some people who have limited mobility. A standard adult will need to change clothes every 12 hours. This can be difficult for some people because buttons and zippers are hard to get into. There are solutions for this. There are clothing companies that design items with stretchy waistbands and Velcro straps.

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While some patients may be able to maintain their personal hygiene routine with the help of assistive devices, special devices, or a change in their environment, many will need additional assistance. Patients who are bedridden or have limited mobility may need help with this daily task. In addition, the presence of coexisting cognitive or emotional impairments can make maintaining personal hygiene even more difficult.

There are devices that help you bathe and shower without difficulty. They are designed to decrease the risk of falling, make the shower and bathing process more comfortable, and reduce the need to bend the knee. For Bathing Aids, consider

Bath pillows and mats can be purchased in different shapes and sizes, which can be useful for people who may need extra support when using a bath. Bath pillows provide leaning assistance, while foam or inflatable cushions are helpful for those with limited mobility. Bath mats are made from non-slip material and can be shaped to fit the person’s bath.

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Aside from bath safety products, you can also consider anti-slip strips. These are made from textured rubber, which adds grip to slippery surfaces. They can be easily cut and installed in your bath or shower.

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