How To Relieve Fatigue In The Legs?

How To Relieve Fatigue In The Legs?

Fatigue in the legs often bothers women who like to wear high-heeled or narrow-toed shoes, suffer from overweight. You can get rid of this problem by applying a complex of therapeutic procedures: ointments, gels, herbal decoctions. Consider all the details!

How To Relieve Fatigue In The Legs?

The main causes of the problem

More than 70% of the weaker females suffer from leg fatigue syndrome, and it develops due to the following reasons:

  • constant standing and sedentary work, in the latter case blood circulation, is disturbed;
  • wearing an uncomfortable and impractical shoe pinching blood vessels;
  • overweight or underweight;
  • medication, we are talking about diuretic, hormonal, contraceptive preparations;
  • chronic diseases, in particular, diabetes mellitus, varicose veins, and thyroid problems;
  • abnormal heat, due to which the activity decreases, edema appears;
  • Hormonal changes: pregnancy, lactation, menopause.

We have listed the most popular reasons that may cause fatigue in the legs. If fatigue is accompanied by other symptoms (nausea, severe weakness, rapid weight loss, pain in the heart or gastrointestinal tract, others), it is recommended to consult a doctor. If you have undergone a survey that revealed no pathological changes, then try to correct the situation at home using safe methods and means.

How To Relieve Fatigue In The Legs?

The best ways to help get rid of fatigue in the legs of women

If the heaviness and fatigue in the legs bother you occasionally, then try to fight them like this:

  • take a douche;
  • apply cooling ointment (we will tell about the best products a little later);
  • lie on the bed, put a pillow or blanket under your feet;
  • lie in this position for 30-60 minutes to normalize the microcirculation of blood.

This method can be safely applied during pregnancy!

How To Relieve Fatigue In The Legs?


Quickly remove fatigue in the legs allow baths prepared from the following components:

  • 3 tbsp. l sea salt dissolved in hot water;
  • 1 cup citrus skins (lemon, grapefruit, lime, orange, tangerine), which must be poured over 2 liters of boiling water and boil for 5 minutes. The citrus broth should be cooled, and then immersed in his foot for 20-25 minutes;
  • Essential oils: tea tree, lemon, lavender, patchouli. In 2-3 liters of water, add 2-4 drops of oil.

Baths help to relax muscles, help remove excess moisture, prevent sweating. Please note that the above procedures are not recommended for people suffering from allergic reactions, diabetes mellitus and skin lesions (cracks, scratches, ulcers, etc.).

Tip!  If fatigue in the legs bothers you constantly, then consider buying a hot tub. Such a device effectively removes puffiness, tones have a tonic effect. To achieve a lasting effect, it is recommended to do the procedure 3-4 times a week.

How To Relieve Fatigue In The Legs?

Herbal Broths

Relaxing herbal teas are also good at treating foot fatigue. Most often for cooking use the following fees:

  • 2 tbsp. chamomile and lime blossom, which is worth pouring 2-3 liters of boiling water. After 10-15 minutes, 1 tsp should be dissolved in the liquid. honey, after which you can immerse the foot;
  • 2 tbsp. nettle leaves and hypericum, which need to pour boiling water, to insist for 20-30 minutes;
  • 2 tbsp. l pharmaceutical chamomile, flax seed, and pine needles. The mixture pours 2-3 liters of boiling water, after 30 minutes it will be ready for use.

You can also apply a series of leaves, calendula leaves or rowan. The average procedure time is 15-25 minutes, which depends on the severity of the condition. At the finish, feet need to blot with a towel, and then give them a rest for 1-2 hours.


Portable handheld massagers will become your magic wand, which will allow you to fight leg fatigue at home, at work, and while traveling. It is recommended to stop the choice on massagers with several types of nozzles that have a vibrating and tapping effect, as well as equipped with an infrared lamp (warming up). Such devices can be used not only to work out the legs but also for the back, arms, buttocks. The following household accessories for massage have proven themselves well:

  • professional devices;
  • mechanical roller massagers;
  • Kuznetsov applicators;
  • rollers, applicators Lyapko;
  • Massagers “Molecule”.

Before or after the message (depending on the type of device used), it is worth applying a healing cream or gel on the legs, which will increase the effectiveness of the procedure.

How To Relieve Fatigue In The Legs?

Ointments, gels

The best solution is a pharmacy with a cooling effect, which consists of anti-inflammatory components, as well as natural extracts of mint, eucalyptus, essential oils, and anticoagulants. Consider the popular remedies approved by phlebologists:

  • A small amount of gel must be applied to the feet in the morning and evening;
  • Refreshing balm. It is necessary to apply once a day on the skin of the feet, it is better to perform the procedure in the evening;
  • It is applied 2-3 times a day, it is quickly absorbed, and therefore it does not leave marks on clothes.

The above recommendations can be combined: a douche, bath, massage, the use of cooling cream, rest. You will notice the result in 3-5 days!

How To Relieve Fatigue In The Legs?

How to prevent fatigue? 6 working tips

We talked about what to do if you constantly feel tired legs. Finally, we will give a few recommendations that will help to avoid this syndrome:

  • use orthopedic shoes;
  • remember that the height of the heel should not exceed 5-7 cm;
  • try to walk more, because walking allows you to prevent puffiness, the development of varicose veins;
  • drink enough water;
  • Do not forget about vitamins. Enrich your menu with foods rich in vitamin A, B12, C.

Puffiness, heaviness in the legs will help cure compression stockings or tights, which reduce swelling, improve blood circulation, and provide physiological massage. They can be purchased at the pharmacy, after visiting a phlebologist!

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