What was life like in Roman Britain

The Roman Empire was incredibly important to the way in which Britain developed. We have many technologies and constructions that were directly influenced by the ways that the Romans developed their towns and cities. The road networks that we drive on today are often linked to the detailed road network that they created. They had some of the world’s first large scale drainage systems that we have built on further and now use CCTV Drainage Surveys from companies like

www.wilkinson-env.co.uk/sewer-repairs-drain-lining-concrete-cutting/drain-lining to inspect.

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The Romans viewed Britain as an important part of their empire plans. It was an economy that helped them to trade and brought money into a location that was far away from their main economica centre of Rome. They traded in materials such as grain, cattle and even slaves. By expanding into Britain they were able to send their resources and their armies further than before and had new options for continuing the expansion of their Empire. The resistance of the Britains continued until AD 409.

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Not all of Britain was conquered by the Romans but its influence was far-stretching. People began to adopt some of the customs and their ways of trading as well as using their construction techniques to build better and bigger roads and to build larger more opulent dwellings. These influences remained long after the Romans decided to return to Rome. They left as a result of an invasion that occurred in Rome that required all of their soldiers to help them protect and defend their precious cities. This then meant that Britain was left with the lower classes of Romans with many of the richer classes leaving to return with the armies.

Land was incredibly important to the Romans, as was their social standings. There was a clear hierarchy of society and these were often identified by the homes that they lived in and the food, clothing and pastimes that they partook in. There are many examples of villas in the UK and these would more than likely have been villas for wealthy landowners who had willingly converted over to the Roman way of life.

You can see examples of these in places like Chedworth and of course in Bath, where there are substantial examples of Roman bathhouses. These were places where business deals would be undertaken and somewhere for the highest levels of society to come and gather together. It was of course also somewhere that they could bathe in the waters that they believed to be cleansing and in some cases a representation of their religious beliefs and the Gods and Goddesses they worshipped.

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