Updating a bedroom for a teen

If your teen has decided that it’s time for their bedroom to look a little more grown-up, then try to think about what they’d like from their perspective. For teens, a bedroom is more than just a place to sleep but represents their escape from the world and a space to feel secure, comfortable and be their own person. Most teens will want their room to be a personal expression of who they are and what they’re into. They might not be ready to part with all their childhood knick-knacks but are probably seeking a space that’s more sophisticated. Here are some helpful suggestions:

Multi-Purpose Room

Think of the room as more than just a bedroom. They’ll want to hang out, have friends over, do their homework and relax, so it needs to be multi-purpose. Think about including:

·       A place to sleep

·       A space for study

·       An area for socialising

If space is a challenge, try these ideas:

·       Use cork boards or magnetic boards to free up desk space

·       Add throws and cushions to the floor to create an easy lounging area

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Be Bold

Adults often prefer calm, serenity for their bedroom décor but teens will often choose bright, vibrant colours and patterns to create lots of energy. Walls often the biggest space for experimenting with these ideas:

  • Brightly coloured paint or removable decals
  • A graffiti wall treatment
  • Custom-made neon light signs

Creative and Fun

Most of all, teens love fun so think about some of these possible additions:

·       A swing or hanging chair

·       A hammock for a bed

·       A quirky sofa

·       A creative swing or hanging chair

·       A chalkboard for fun messages

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Storage Ideas

Teens are not well-known for their orderly or tidy bedrooms, so being smart with storage could make all your lives a little easier. Plenty of easily accessible storage will mean it’s easier to keep on top of cleaning and tidying. Some great ideas include:

  • Stylish modern dressers
  • Wall shelving
  • Storage bins under the bed
  • Fitted wardrobe. For Fitted Wardrobes Hampshire, visit https://www.lamco-design.co.uk/
  • Ottomans or storage benches
  • Wall cabinets around the bed

Super Tactile

Teens spend a lot of time in their rooms, so as well as looking good it needs to feel good too. You’ll want to include feel-good textures and different types of tactile materials for a super sensory experience they’ll adore. Some ideas include:

  • Faux fur throws and cushions
  • Flocked velvet wallpaper
  • A luxurious rug
  • Hanging beaded curtains
  • Super soft bedding
  • Tassels or fringes
  • Padded desk chair

These ideas should help you are your teen to create a space that’s more grown-up and sophisticated but still represents their unique personality and retains some fun factor.

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