The Benefits of Opening an eBay Store

When you’re starting out in business, it can be hard to know where to begin. If you’re selling your own creations or reselling items, there are a number of ways you can go about it. With the benefit of the internet, selling online is an ideal method for newcomers and requires very little outlay. One of the simplest methods of achieving an online presence is to set up an eBay store.

Not the Same as an Auction

When many people think of eBay, they automatically see it as an auction site. However, it is now much more than this, and a store page will have different facilities. It enables you to set your own prices and benefit from lower fees.

Don’t Need Tech Knowledge

With online shopping set to increase 16.2% year on year in 2015, it’s vital that businesses have an online identity. One of the biggest stumbling blocks to setting up an online store is the requirement to have some understanding of the internet and how it works. This can put many first-time sellers off, but with an eBay store all the hassle is taken away from you. You can set up your store easily and start selling your goods straight away.

A Ready-Made Audience

Rather than having to set up a new store from scratch and attract your own customers, eBay does most of this work for you. Consumers across the globe are aware of the site, and millions of them use it every day to search for a wide range of goods. Over 19 million people in this country are customers, meaning there’s probably people looking for the type of items you sell at this very moment.

Saves You Time

An eBay store is quick and easy to set up. You don’t have to design your own site or organise the hosting. Once you’ve decided on the features you require and added your items, you’ll be ready to open.


With an eBay store you’ll receive your own URL, which you then put on your literature, Facebook page and marketing materials. This allows you to publicise a direct link to your store and attract customers, as well as those who find you through the main eBay link.

Create Your Own Look

Some people don’t realise that with an eBay store you can actually give your page a personal look that is tailored for your brand. This can be achieved by using the on-site features and setting up different categories so that your customers can easily search for what they need. There are also companies that specialise in ecommerce platforms and other web design structures such as Cardiff web designers who’ll be able to assist you in getting the most from your store.

Different Levels

Depending on the features you require and the size of your business, there are different subscription levels that you can choose from. This enables even the newest of businesses to have an online presence that is within their budget. You can start with a basic shop and then build it up as the business grows.

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