5 common security threats you need to know

No matter how good your company’s IT infrastructure, there is always a risk that your network’s security could be compromised. Now that just about every company relies on computers and mobile devices to disseminate information, that risk is greater than ever before. Read on to discover the top five most common security threats facing your company’s online security.

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1 Malware

An abbreviated term denoting ‘malicious software’, malware is the general term which encompasses a huge variety of harmful programme codes and software that could compromise your company’s security, if not the entire IT structure. These days, hackers are focussing in on the Android platform, as increasing numbers of employees use their smartphones to access their company’s network.

According to an article in Forbes, there were well over 8 billion malware attacks in 2016, making it extremely likely that your company’s security will be breached at some point.

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Every company, large or small, needs to assess its network security as a matter of urgency. This can be done in-house or can be outsourced to a professional company specialising in Endpoint Security Management, such as https://www.promisec.com.

2 Computer virus

One of the best-known forms of malware is the ubiquitous computer virus. This seemingly innocuous piece of software can spread quickly across a computer network – even using emails to spread itself – compromising your data’s security. Depending on the virus, your data may be stolen, corrupted or even deleted, with some companies experiencing the devastating effects of entire hard drives being completely erased.

3 Trojan horse

It just needs one employee to download a seemingly legitimate application containing a Trojan horse to compromise your entire network. This hidden piece of malicious code can perform a variety of hostile functions, from taking control of your device’s webcam to logging keystrokes to uncover passwords and banking details.

4 Malicious spyware

As the name suggests, malicious spyware follows your online movements, usually by keystroke logging. Everything typed on your device is copied and sent back to the hackers, enabling them to uncover your passwords and personal details.

5 Rogue security software

An easy trap to fall into, users inadvertently click on a pop-up message that indicates a security breach. This activates a download of malicious software, which then sets about doing maximum damage to your company’s network.

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