3 Great Ways To Make a Positive Impression

With attention spans getting shorter due to increased electronic use and information overload, it’s more of a challenge than ever to make authentic connections. You might be wondering how to make a good impression on others when you have a short amount of time to do it. It’s also important to be sincere; that good impression should be a strong indicator of what you’re really like. Here are several suggestions to try.

1. Be Friendly

Be a friendly, easy person to be around in a genuine way. Be yourself without pretense, and make ample room for the presence and actions of others. Make each interaction something they’ll remember positively. In a culture where it’s common for people to be self-absorbed, this simple practice will make you stand out from others. Make eye contact (be appropriate about it!) and smile. Are you reluctant to smile due to the need for dental care? Do a search using terms like Brooklyn dentist to find a clinician who’s a good fit for you.

2. Be Consistent

It’s absolutely a good thing to be spontaneous; there’s no need to become boring. Being consistent has more to do with character. Your speech, body language, and facial expressions line up. You have integrity. This kind of behavior leads to trust and is difficult to fake. Behaving consistently also leads to a greater feeling of self-worth, as you’re acting in accord with your values.

3. Be Interested

The “be” is important here. Don’t simply act interested, be interested when you interact with others. This will lead to a demeanor that indicates you are a forthright, caring person. Listen intently, and ask specific questions. You’ll expand your perspective, and the person you’re with will feel heard and cared for.

Connecting with others sincerely requires awareness. Try these tips to make a positive impression.

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