Tabata- A Set Of Burning Exercises For Women

Tabata- A Set Of Burning Exercises For Women

Are you dreaming about training, which will give you more tangible results in less time? Try Tabata – a method of high-intensity interval training, ideal for improving body shape and burning fat. Serious science is behind this progressive technique of the training process. We observe its phenomenon in gyms, fitness circles and forums today. From our article, you will learn what Tabata is, whether it is possible to perform this set of exercises at home.

Tabata- A Set Of Burning Exercises For Women

Push yourself to the absolute limit!

Tabata is a popular training program originally from Japan, where it was developed and tested by Izumi Tabata, a doctor at the Tokyo-based National Institute of Fitness and Sports. It consists of eight approaches with a maximum load of 20 seconds, followed by a 10-second pause. Tabata helps get the most return in just 4 minutes of classes; much more intense than moderate or normal cardio training. Suitable for both beginners and professional athletes. It was originally created to increase the stamina of Olympic skaters.

In a nutshell, Tabata is:

  • 4-minute workout;
  • 20 seconds of lessons and 10 seconds of break;
  • as many repetitions as possible in 8 sets;
  • Performed from 1 to 3 times a week.

Tabata- A Set Of Burning Exercises For Women

The choice of exercises depends on your level of training and is key – mainly because you will perform this complex with maximum effort. Experts say that after four minutes you should feel exhausted. If this does not happen, then you are not training enough.

Before classes, you need to warm up, the warm-up should be moderately easy. Tabata must be short but tough and difficult; sometimes it takes several days of rest to fully recover. Obviously, you must be healthy to train with such a system. People with heart disease or other risk factors should consult a doctor.

Tabata- A Set Of Burning Exercises For Women

Some of the benefits of abatement Tabata

Tabata-style exercises are a fantastic way to put your body into the fat burning mode, it can improve cardiovascular performance and increase endurance. In addition, Tabata speeds up the metabolism within 24 hours after exercise. Advantages of the program:

  • Tabata is effective – 4 minutes, and ready. You will not have more excuses like “I have no time.”
  • Fat loss Studies have shown that due to the high intensity of exercise, the fat goes well, especially on the abdomen.
  • Insulin resistance decreases by 23–30% in healthy people.
  • It is carried out in any place: at home, in a hotel room, park.

Tabata- A Set Of Burning Exercises For Women

Tabata for beginners

Here are effective fat burning Tabata exercises for women and men who start to play sports:

  • squats;
  • push ups;
  • “Climber”.

So, workout number 1: do eight rounds of 20 seconds for squats with their own weight, and then rest for 10 seconds.

Workout # 2: do eight rounds of 20 seconds each, and then rest 10 seconds.

Tabata- A Set Of Burning Exercises For Women

Workout number 3: do eight rounds for 20 seconds of the “Climber” exercise, and then rest 10 seconds.

Usually between workouts set one day off.

Exercises for advanced

For training Tabata, you can also use the simulators. For example, do 20-second sprints on an exercise bike, treadmill or rowing machine, and then stop for a 10-second break.

Tabata- A Set Of Burning Exercises For Women

No less good jumping rope. Try with this any style of jump, which you think is convenient for yourself.

In Tabata, it is not forbidden to go swimming. Workouts are great for anyone who prefers quality cardiovascular equipment and wants to pump up the body.

Focus on breathing

During high-intensity workouts, it is important to learn how to breathe correctly, especially during these 10-second periods of rest. Take a deep breath through your nose and exhale through your mouth so that oxygen penetrates the muscles and contributes to fat burning and muscle tissue repair. You can also combine Tabata training with yoga.

Recover right

After any workout, you need to cool down and calm down. The correct recovery time will ensure a smooth transition to the daily rhythm of life, will return to normal your breathing and heart rate. “Recharging” in the form of a body stretch will help restore muscles, improve flexibility. Experts recommend doing static stretching for at least 15 seconds after each workout.

Tabata- A Set Of Burning Exercises For Women

Weight loss is not just exercise.

If you want to start working on the Tabata slimming system, then know that weight loss occurs in the kitchen. It is proved that 80% of the loss of excess body weight is due to changes in eating habits, and 20% due to increased physical exertion.

Tabata- A Set Of Burning Exercises For Women

We hope that with the help of our article you have learned that you can really practice well in 4 minutes, lose weight and improve your appearance!

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