6 Good Health Tips

Changing some daily habits can mean the difference between being healthy and being sick. Having good health is critical to lead a happy and pleasant life. Being healthy means that our body functions normally and that there is nothing out of balance. Being healthy is also having a balanced mind and in harmony with the body. Many times, because of the speed of life we have, we forget that health is a treasure. We only value it when we get sick.

Healthy habits are, in large part, what determines your health. And when I refer to habits, I speak precisely of what you do every day: sleep, eat, stay hydrated, exercise, bathe, protect you from the sun. The good development of these habits will surely help you to have a longer and healthier life. Let’s take a tour of these tips for good health.

Eat fruits and vegetables:

6 Good Health Tips

Ideally, eat nine servings of fruits and vegetables a day. But yes, I know you’re opening your eyes because it seems a lot to you. Then there goes five. Eat five servings of fruits and vegetables a day and you’ll save yourself from several doctor visits. A study at Harvard University says that this amount provides the antioxidants and fiber needed to reduce heart disease and maintain a healthy weight (one serving is about half of a fruit, or half a cup of fruit, or half a cup of vegetables).


6 Good Health Tips1

The ideal would be 30 minutes of cardiovascular exercise (or more) 5 days or more a week. But as I know that sometimes it is difficult for you to get up from the sofa, because there you go a dose more manageable: how about 17 minutes a day? This equals two hours a week. And you do not even have to keep up! You can divide it into segments. And the benefits are endless: healthy heart, adequate weight, toned muscles, being in a good mood, etc.


wake up

If you are one of those who always sleeps between 7 and 8 hours a day, you go the right way. Recent studies indicate that those who have trouble sleeping or sleep less than 7 hours are increasing their risk of suffering from hypertension, heart disease, and even diabetes. Our body needs to rest and recharge its energies for good health.

Stay Hydrated:

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Earlier it was said that eight was the magic number of glasses of water a day that should be taken. Now you know that you do not need to drink eight, but drink liquids with meals and whenever you feel thirsty. Drink more if you exercise or get very hot. The only ones who cannot depend on thirst to drink water are young children and the elderly because in them the mechanism of thirst does not work well and they have to remember to drink. I do not know if you knew, but the body is made of water and needs this liquid to work. Other sources of liquid are fruits, soup, tea, and vegetables. Remember, water = good health.

Check This Out: 10 Tips for Better Sleep

Wash your hands:

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Ideally with soap and water, using the minimum soap for 15 seconds. Several studies have shown that washing hands with soap and water removes more than 90% of the microbes that cause infections and can alter your health. Always wash your hands after going to the bathroom, touching someone who is sick, and when you cook. Especially when you touch raw meat and unwashed vegetables.

Use sunscreen:

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Daily. It does not matter that it is cloudy. Protecting your skin from ultraviolet rays will prevent skin damage, including cancer. Ideally, a minimum protection factor blocker of 15.

Having and maintaining good health depends in part on our habits. Better safe than sorry. So take note of these tips and put them into practice!

Here you can get more information in this blog great depression facts.

Shital regularly contributes on interesting health articles and healthy living ideas to health blogs around the web. When she’s not busy working with the jobs, you will find her undertaking many of her own health-related topics and healthy living ideas! She has a lot of dreams. She works hard to fulfill her dreams. She loves to share her ideas, tricks, tips and information by blogging. She also works at Creativejasmin.com, a company that committed to helping businesses with online marketing.

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