Why Architecture is a Creative Process

In architecture, the creative process starts with observation of existing structures and extends to a whole design process. It is the architect’s responsibility to choose the right design for a given space, based on the rules of architecture. The process is a competitive one, where an average architecture student may have the right idea for a building, but an architect with more experience and a solid reputation will win hands down.

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Architects must consider many factors when deciding which design will be the most functional and aesthetic. For example, they must take into account how many people will be using the structure and for what purposes. These elements may seem like constraints, but they can also make designing easier. For example, open spaces are easier to create than closed spaces. Moreover, complex spaces are easier to use and can create a certain mood for people. For advice from Residential Architects London, go to www.rbddesign.com

Intuition can also help architects solve a problem. Architects draw inspiration from nature, fine art, and local cultures. They then put these ideas into practice. Once the design is complete, the architect must make sure that it meets all of the client’s needs. The result is a building that works in terms of both functionality and aesthetics.

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An organic approach to design is a fundamental aspect of architecture. Wright, a celebrated architect, believed that a good plan is inevitable. He also believed that good architecture should be organic, and it should be part of the environment. He also believed that organic architecture could never be dismantled and would remain part of its environment. His approach was a departure from the standard philosophy of the twentieth century.


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