The Best Places to Start with Saving at Home

When it comes to saving what is always recommended is to opt for some form of formal savings.

Home Savings

However, many people do not have the habit of saving and want to start somewhere. One of the simple ways to start would be with saving at home. Here are some ideas so you can save money.The Best Places to Start with Saving at Home1

In the fridge

It may sound unconventional. One of the main purposes of saving money in the home is that it is out of reach of others. It is one of the places where you least expect to find money. You can store it in a plastic bag and hide it as deep as you can.


But not in any type of drawer. You can hide it inside socks, socks or stockings in your clothes boxes. Better yet you can do it in different socks. Hardly people will start looking inside their underwear.

With pets

Of course, you should protect your money against possible accidents. You can store it in an envelope and an insulating plastic bag. You can then glue it under the cat’s litter box or under the dog’s house. No one will think about looking for money under these places.

The Best Places to Start with Saving at Home


Of course using the same principle in the previous point, it is advisable to keep your money in a piece of cloth and a plastic bag. It is also recommended that the pot is something big so you can dig a little and then cover it completely without any trace.


If it is about bills and especially if there are not many, you can take advantage of the sheets of books. You can also modify books with holes to store larger quantities without altering the appearance of books.

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In the shoes

We all have that pair of shoes that we use only in certain seasons. Especially applies for boots. No one would imagine or try to look for money inside the boots. Store them in a sachet and metals up to the tip of the shoe.

With the kids

Take advantage of things that are not used much in the children’s room, could be stuffed animals or coats. This would certainly be one of the last places a person or thief would seek money.

Woman hiding money in sock close up

In the garden

Well, it might seem like a treasure. Although people would like to try to find money in their garden they would hardly have exactly where to look. In a small well and store the money in an insulated bag. Then cover it perfectly with sand or gravel and put some characteristic mark so that you do not forget where you have hidden it. Some feature could be a stone, a plant, a pot, and so on.


They must be decorative items in which the contents cannot be seen.

Mainly avoid the most common places like the drawers on your bedside table and your wallet. In case someone is trying to find the money they would be the first places to go.

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