5 Small Business Email Marketing Tips

While new marketing trends tend toward social media platforms, an email marketing campaign is still an effective tool for contacting current and potential customers.

It is said that email promotions can increase customer acquisition by 7% per year. Email campaigns are almost as effective as organic searches on conducting brand audiences. SMEs can optimize their campaigns by following these five tips:

5 Small Business Email Marketing Tips

# 1 Create multiple opportunities to collect email addresses.

An anemic list does not deserve the effort of your best email campaigns.

Always look for more ways to increase your list. Fortunately, there are multiple ways to persuade customers and prospects to give us their addresses:

  • It forces the visitors of the web or of your online store to register for each action, either to save a cart, to buy a product or simply to create an account.
  • Create contests and draws for visitors who fill out a short form.
  • Publish free downloads on the web.
  • It offers free seminars.
  • Offer to register at a rewards club or discount coupons.
  • Have a forum.
  • It allows comments in the blog of your web and requires a confirmation by email before the comment is published.
  • Encourage people to submit opinions, questions or reviews.
  • Have a registration form for your newsletter?

# 2 Use bulk email and transactional email promotions

Massive emails, despite their effectiveness, are often not open or go straight to the junk mail folder.

Many small and medium businesses are succeeding by implementing mass mailing campaigns that fit into general audiences with transactional emails that offer personal dealings and personalized promotions based on customer behavior in the past.

When sending welcome emails, account confirmations or delivery confirmations, small businesses should follow these opportunities to recommend products or services and encourage them to participate on the web or on social networks.

5 Small Business Email Marketing Tips

# 3 Test and evaluate your campaigns

Measuring and testing can provide crucial information at all levels of email marketing campaigns.Before finishing the prototype, use specific groups or surveys to test the appearance of the design, the subject, the ordering of the elements, the configuration of the ads, the promotion and the general tone of the message.

Before sending missiles, send them first to employees and managers; To open the email using different email clients and different devices. Test if everything is displayed in all browsers.

After you send it, it uses applications to obtain conversion and rate ratios metrics. Make improvements based on collected evidence.

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# 4 Educates recipients

Subscribers to your mailing lists sometimes get tired. They can become so accustomed to being the subject of sales emails that they can start ignoring emails.

Avoid this by changing the content; Do not always promote the company’s offers.

Instead, it offers tips and links to a blog or shares details about social activities of the company. This humanizes and builds lasting relationships.

5 Small Business Email Marketing Tips

# 5 Send your email campaigns at the most convenient time

Investigations carried out to reveal that not all hours are good times to send massive emails.

The opening rates vary by sector, but generally the highest -22% – occur in the afternoon, in those hours that people have left work and is about to eat dinner around 20:00. Those hours also have better conversion rates.

Transactional emails are almost always open, no matter what the time.

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