10 Small Steps to Improve Your Health

Most of the people make high resolutions relating to their health and well-being such as stop smoking, losing weight and joining the neighbourhood health club. These high resolutions taken on special occasion most often fail people in getting their desired results. The experts believe that concentrating on rather smaller goals can be a more successful approach to address the health issues. This article provides 10 simple suggestions to improve your health and well-being.

James O. Hill, Ph.D., director of the Center for Human Nutrition , Health Sciences Center at University of Colorado explains that simple and small steps are more successful in improving overall health as they are easier to accommodate in our dairy schedule.  On the other hand, high resolutions can suddenly require big changes completely overwhelming the subject.


The ten simple steps that can bring marked changes in your life are as follows:

  1. Stop gaining weight: As the very first step, try not to gain any additional weight. The extra weights are going to add up over the years even if you gain one or two pounds per year.
  2.  Take smaller steps: You should gradually increase your brisk walking by counting your daily steps through pedometer. You can begin with 2000 steps and keep on adding 1000 to 2000 steps every month to gradually reach 10,000 steps for most of the day.
  3. Eat breakfast: It has been observed that people who regularly take their breakfast and have a diet plan weight less than those who directly take their lunch. You can use Whole Grain Total® topped with slices of fresh fruits and fat-free or low-fat mink in your breakfast for getting sufficient nutrition and a very filling experience.
  4. Eat whole grains: Most of the Americans eat less than one serving of whole grain per day. You should try to shift at least three servings of grain per day to whole grain.
  5. Eat least one green salad every day: Salads are low-fat or fat-free vegetables that provide more filling experience so that you don’t eat too heavy. The experts suggest that you should take approximately five cups of fruits and vegetables per day for better health. The vegetables taken as salad also count in fulfilling this requirement.
  6. Reduce your fat intake: Fat contains lots of calories and therefore, you should reduce your fat intake.  You should use lean meat, prefer poultry without skin and shift to low-fat cheese. You can use non-stick cookware to reduce the quantity of oil or butter used for cooking.
  7. Include Calcium-rich  food in your diet: Calcium is essential for strong bones. You should include two or three servings of calcium-rich  food items such as low-fat milk or yogurt.
  8. Downsize: It may sound strange, but you are going to eat less if you downsize your bag, bowl or bottle. Obviously, you are likely to eat less if your servings are small.
  9. You should target to reduce your weight by 5 to 10 percent of your body weight. You will experience better sugar level and low blood pressure. The cholesterol and triglycerides will also improve.
  10. You should keep a log of what items and food articles you eat during the week or so. You can effectively manage your diet plan if you keep records of your eating habits. The very idea of recording your eating behavior will persuade you to eat less.

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