How To Choosing A Walker For The Children?

How To Choosing A Walker For The Children?

Baby walker is not just a toy, but a good simulator, accelerating the development of the crumbs. Using them, the baby begins to take its first steps faster; the walkers prevent falls and injuries. Today we have prepared a review of different types of walkers, in which we will talk about the rules for choosing a walker for young researchers.

How To Choosing A Walker For The Children?

Types of baby walker

Choosing a walker, you need to pay attention to their design features. It is important to choose not just a sustainable model, but also one that corresponds to the age of the young passenger. Let’s look at the most popular types of baby walkers.

Classic models

They consist of a base with plastic or rubber wheels in an amount of at least 4 pieces. The upper part is represented by a soft chair, it is necessary to plant the baby. These models most often complement the following functional elements:

  • table for creative activities, eating;
  • music panel;
  • an arc with toys;
  • horizontal rattles and others.

Protected from turning, provide good back support, they should be chosen for babies older than 7 months. The design can be adjusted in height, the angle of rotation of the wheels is 360 degrees.

How To Choosing A Walker For The Children?

Rocking Walkers

The product by type of design resembles a classic walker, the only difference is that its base, supplemented by wheels, is transformed. As a result, it turns into 2 arcs, thanks to them the model can be used as a rocking chair. This kind of walker has a higher cost, it is complemented by an ergonomic chair, ideal for relaxation. In some species there are supports for the legs, they are also equipped with a set of toys, a mini-table, height adjustments. Suitable for children over 7-8 months.

Important! Classic walkers and rocking chairs are made from metal, aluminum, eco-friendly plastic. They do not bend or crack under very strong blows. Upholstery washable, so you can not worry about the fact that it was spilled tea, juice during the game.


Walkers, wheelchairs – a full-fledged game simulator that helps the baby, taking the first steps, more steadily keep on the legs. The wheelchair is represented by a massive platform with a handle and 2-4 stable wheels. Holding the handle, the crumb will move independently around the room, which will help develop the vestibular apparatus, strengthen the muscles.

How To Choosing A Walker For The Children?

The front of the product is represented by a large or miniature gaming center:

  • music panel with buttons;
  • magnetic drawing panel;
  • a set of rattles;
  • maze for the development of logic;
  • disk phone;
  • light effects and more.

The game panel will definitely interest the crumbs at the age of 1 to 3 years, such walkers are suitable for children who are already taking the first steps. The music blocks run on batteries, if necessary, you can remove them.

How To Choosing A Walker For The Children?


Walkers, jumpers remotely resemble kangaroo backpacks, which are so fond of modern mothers. You can attach them to any support, as a result of which the crumb will jump and move. If necessary, jumpers can be used as a swing. The product is equipped with soft shock-absorbing belts, springs and an ergonomic seat bag, being in it will not give the baby any unpleasant sensations. A child cannot be constantly in such a simulator, the maximum time for one lesson should be 20-25 minutes. It is recommended to spend no more than 2-3 lessons per day!

Tip!  Choosing jumpers, pay attention to the fact that they are intended for children older than 6 months and those whose weight does not exceed 15 kg. Before buying and using, be sure to consult a pediatrician, orthopedist.

What models are suitable for crumbs?

Choosing a walker, remember that they must be age appropriate. As the child grows up, it is worth updating this type of simulator. Jumpers will be the best solution for children aged 6 months to 2 years. Classic models and rocking chairs will help children learn to walk at the age of 7-8 months, but wheelchairs are suitable for children older than one year.

How to choosing a walker and rocking for children of different ages?

When choosing, you must take into account the height, weight, as well as the pace of development of children. When purchasing classic walkers and rocking chairs, try to order models that have the function of height adjustment, as children grow very actively from 6 months to a year. In such products there should be reliable folding mechanisms, it is necessary to have a system that prevents turning. The best solution is to have a seat equipped with soft fixing belts.

How To Choosing A Walker For The Children?

The basis of the product

The base must be sufficiently strong and light, it is better to choose models with a rectangular base, possessing increased stability. The product should not be bulky, it is necessary that it passes without problems into the doorways.

Important! Square and oval bases are not very stable; there is a high risk of tilting the structure on its side.

The material, number of wheels

It is recommended to choose products equipped with 4-8 wheels with the highest stability. The wheels are made of plastic, silicone, rubberized materials, while the first option, when driving, makes too loud sounds and scratches the flooring. The remaining materials provide a quiet ride and leave no traces.

Wheels must be supplemented with safety locks. They will improve braking, prevent clothes, toys from entering the mechanism. The wheels can be fixed and removable, the latter option will help limit the time of the game with a walker.

Important!  Plastic is the ideal solution for carpet flooring, in which case it doesn’t make noise and provides excellent gliding. Silicone and rubber – the choice of families living in apartments, the floors of which are covered with linoleum, tile, parquet.

How To Choosing A Walker For The Children?

Seat and back

It is allowed to use a walker with a soft seat, but the back must be stiff, otherwise, the posture may be broken. Choose models with wide seats, otherwise, the baby may fall out of the simulator, during use it will move down to one side, which is fraught with a curvature of the spine.

Features of the choice of gurneys

When choosing a gurney, you need to pay attention to its stability. Tilt the product in different directions, estimate the speed of rotation and the number of wheels. The most resistant wheelchairs with four wheels made of rubber, silicone or wood. A wheelchair can be made in the form of a stroller, game platform, cartoon character, so you should choose the one that exactly like the baby.

Summing up

To summarize, let’s say that when choosing such a simulator, it is worth remembering several more tips:

  • for small apartments it is worth picking up folding products;
  • the more wheel runners, the more stable they are;
  • choosing a walker with height adjustment function so that the child can use them as long as possible;
  • check the game panel, make sure that there are no small elements on it that the baby can tear off and eat or shove in the nose;
  • it is better to give preference to products with a large number of removable elements. In this case, you will be able to clean the worktop, seat, game panel, wheels and other parts of the simulator from dirt.

How To Choosing A Walker For The Children?

Now you know how to choosing a walker, so you can provide your baby with a really comfortable and safe simulator for early development.

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