6 Motivation Tips for Yoga Beginners

6 Motivation Tips for Yoga Beginners

I can still remember my yoga beginnings. My mind was elsewhere and my views on the most advanced yogis with ease from one to another Yoga Exercise (Asana) unescorted.

Recently one of my readers asked how to create the easiest, the Motivation and Endurance to maintain?

A very good question that I have with “it all depends on …” would take. Since this is no one to help you, I try it this way:

1. Yoga should be fun!

Everything is not fun, it also holds in the long run by not. It does not, it is perhaps the wrong Yoga-direction, The false Yoga Teacher or Yoga is maybe nothing for you. One point which I also accept as a yoga teacher has to, even if it is painful.

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2. Be patient, especially with yourself!

Even if you do not at first believe. It changes a face – guaranteed. When one is faster and the other containing it takes longer but is it because you can be sure. Perhaps the changes are with you on a spiritual level and less on the physical level.6 Motivation Tips for Yoga Beginners

3. Accept yourself as you are!

If “God” did not think, your body would be perfect for you! he would have given you a different (Yogi Bhajan). You start first with 40 practice with Yoga. Have you previously moved only reluctantly, then you will perhaps some exercises NEVER (!) Can, as I stand the forearm? But that is ok because even from the “beginner” exercises you can draw maximum benefit for you, you just have to let it.

4. Try your ego off!

Yoga is not a competitive sport and not a competition. Do exactly the opposite of what you suggested, the company all day. Listen to your inner voice and find the point between too much and not enough. It does nothing to give 150%, then to raise a violation and then say: “Yoga is not for me.” Hardly anyone who does not practice every day, can all Yoga Exercises with grace and lightness, so it will not work either.

5. Trust you!

How many times have I heard: “I can not,” I too am so going to my first headstand, with correspondingly modest success. The biggest obstacle in the world, we are ourselves and our thoughts. Go to the playful things. Practice e.g. the headstand. If it works out, you give a little smile and if he does not work, you give a big laugh. Do not think too much after and you will quickly make progress.

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6. Energy by the group and yoga teacher

And last but not least, also plays Yoga Teacher and Mitübenden a role. Whether spiritually tinged or not, you feel the energy in the room, and intuitively feel about it either pleasant or not. Who does not feel comfortable, is also less motivated. Pick a yoga teacher who fits you. It can and should also be laughed at.

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