10 Secrets That Your Urine Reveals About You And Your Health

10 secrets that your urine reveals about you and your health

Your urine can say a lot about you and your health. Notably, if you have a healthy diet, suffer from diseases or eat too much sugar.

You have a urinary tract infection

One of the first signs of a urinary tract infection is a strong smell of ammonia, which looks like the smell of sulfur. The bacteria that causes the infection produces this unusual odor. It can also make your urine look cloudy or tainted with blood. If you think you have a urinary tract infection, talk to your doctor right away. Antibiotics will be very effective in overcoming this problem and may prevent recurrence in the future.10 secrets that your urine reveals about you and your health

Your urine may indicate that you have a healthy diet

If you are among the 50% of the population who have rather perfumed urine when eating asparagus, then you know that what you eat can change the look of your urine. These green stems are not the only plants that can change the color or smell of your urine. A strong coffee will give it a vanilla smell, rhubarb and blueberries will give it a purple or pink color. The beets, meanwhile, you might frighten by tinting your urine dark red blood that looks like nothing so.10 secrets that your urine reveals about you and your health

Your training was way too intense

Extreme training and endurance racing, very popular, led to the return of a rare disease, rhabdomyolysis. This disease is characterized by a very dark urine, which is reminiscent of cola. Rhabdomyolysis occurs when muscles are damaged beyond their ability to repair and regenerate, very often as a result of intense exercise. This can happen especially if you are not warm enough, or if you return to exercise after a long break.

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If your urine suddenly changes color and becomes very dark (such as black tea) and you experience severe, sudden muscle pain, call your doctor right away. This condition can be fatal if not treated immediately.10 secrets that your urine reveals about you and your health

Your urine can tell you are overdosing on sugar Your urine can tell you are overdosing on sugar

Sweet treats, of course, have an effect on your waistline. A large amount of sugar in your body can also increase the frequency of urination. If you notice that you go to the bathroom more frequently or if you notice other signs that you consume too much sugar, you should perhaps have your blood glucose checked, according to Muhammad Shamin Khan, a urologist. Not only can the frequency of urination be a problem, but a high sugar level in your urine or a fruity odor can also be a warning sign of diabetes.10 secrets that your urine reveals about you and your health

You have liver or pancreas disease

If you happen to notice orange-colored urine from time to time, there is no problem on the horizon (you have probably eaten a food with a lot of food coloring). However, if your urine is amber to orange in a chronic way, it may be a sign of liver disease. This strange color is caused by a high level of bilirubin, the result of inflammation of the liver or abnormalities of the cells of this organ. It could also indicate blockage of the bile ducts and possibly jaundice. Your urine is not usually the only symptom; Jaundice can give the skin and whites of the eyes a yellow or orange tinge.10 secrets that your urine reveals about you and your health

You suffer from iron deficiency

Nothing is more alarming than looking in the toilet bowl and seeing red. Urine with a bright red hue requires immediate medical attention. This could include kidney infection, a kidney stone or even cancer. On the other hand, if your urine is slightly red, you may have a slight iron deficiency or other health problem. A study published in the Journal of Current Surgery has also shown that red urine can indicate that your body has difficulty metabolizing iron. Consult your doctor, and if you have to eat more iron, treat yourself to a good steak for dinner!10 secrets that your urine reveals about you and your health

You have prostate problems

If you constantly need to go to the toilet, this could be one of the first signs of an enlarged prostate. In men, the prostate gland surrounds the urethra. With growth and age, the gland can put pressure on the small tube. This can make urination very uncomfortable. Even though your instinct tells you to drink less water (to urinate less often and feel this uncomfortable feeling less often), dehydration will only make the problem worse. Instead, stay well hydrated and make an appointment with a urologist immediately.10 secrets that your urine reveals about you and your health

You have a sexually transmitted infection

Gonorrhea and Chlamydia are currently reaching epidemic levels around the world, according to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). One of the reasons for this rapid transmission is due to the lack of visible early symptoms for some sexually transmitted infections. Your urine can give you clues.

A cloudy or thick urine may be a sign of several infections, according to the CDC, especially for these two “invisible” STIs: chlamydia and gonorrhea. Other possible causes of cloudy urine include vaginal or urinary tract infection. Regardless of the type of infection, a cloudy urine is something you should talk to your doctor right away.10 secrets that your urine reveals about you and your health

Your kidneys beg you to help them

It is the kidneys that produce the urine. It is therefore not surprising that they communicate their needs to us by the color of our urine. Blood in the urine is an important sign that something is wrong. Mild urine is another subtle sign of kidney distress. Most often, urine that is foam means you are urinating with a lot of pressure. Constantly foaming urine can, however, be a sign of excess protein. The presence of this foam may be a symptom of kidney dysfunction. This phenomenon is called proteinuria and should definitely be checked by your doctor without delay.10 secrets that your urine reveals about you and your health

You suffer from multiple sclerosis

Having the bladder full, but not being able to urinate can be a real torture. Do you end up frequently in the bathroom without being able to urinate? This could be a sign of problems with your nervous system. In fact, not being able to urinate is one of the first signs of autoimmune diseases, such as multiple sclerosis.

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