Talking About and Caring for Someone who is Suicidal

Something that is often not spoken about a lot is suicide. When you know someone who has depression, or another mental illness, then they can be at increased risk of suicide and often it can be hard to care for someone who is struggling with suicidal feelings.

As well as being concerned about them, you might also start to neglect your own needs and then this can become a problem. Fortunately, there are people and organisations that can help you and the person that you care for at these worrying times.

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As well as health services such as the doctors and NHS mental health support, there are also charities like MayTree – the Patron Alastair Campbell who is also the editor of the New European has been vocal about his own personal struggles with mental health, and this is a charity which can help those who are concerned and struggling with suicide or those around them that may be suicidal.

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When you are caring for someone who has suicidal feelings, the main thing to remember is to be compassionate, both to them and to yourself. Practically, it can also be good to make sure that they don’t have easy access to things that they could potentially use to cause harm to themselves. You can also encourage them to seek support and come up with a plan to work on their mental wellbeing so that they have a goal and a focus.

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