How to train as a teacher

There are few jobs more rewarding, or difficult in life than being a teacher. The profession is one of high scrutiny and challenge. The care and education of young people carries with it a deep rooted responsibility that is a mutual trust between teacher and parent that needs to be honoured on a daily basis. You will be directly responsible for the shaping and molding of future generations and will influence lives in ways that will last them a lifetime. Feeling up to the challenge of that? Here’s how to become one. You could soon see your name on Websites for schools, like those provided to education establishments from

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It’s a common misconception that you have to be good at everything academic to train as a teacher. There are many other avenues of study that children need. If you want to be a primary school teacher then a bright personality and adaptability is just as prized as your ability to master times tables and fronted adverbials.

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If you are looking to teach in secondary schools then you will need to have a more focused skill. Specialising in a subject is key and you will be much better served if this is in the sciences of math. The first point of call is to make sure that your Math and English are at grade C at the least. You then need to start to look at educational training courses and prepare for the big one, your PGCE.

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