Organising your storage unit

Not all of us have endless storage space, so many hire additional storage. This helps us reduce clutter inside our homes, whether for an extended period, during a home renovation, redecoration project, or while moving home.

How do you load your storage unit so that your belongings do not get piled on each other, crushed, or squashed? The key is to have a plan for the organisation and to make clever use of storage shelving to help protect your belongings. Here are some tips for keeping your stuff neat and undamaged:

Don’t just start loading your stuff from the front; leave a good space for an aisle down the centre. This way, you can easily access your belongings, not just what’s at the front. For more information on Self Storage Dudley, visit a site like

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When using boxes, store your items in containers of a similar size and shape. This will make for much neater stacking inside your storage unit. Make sure you have the proper packaging available to hand and plenty of good-sized boxes. Don’t forget to label your boxes to save you from struggling to locate them in the future.

If you still have original boxes for electronic appliances, it’s a good idea to use them. The manufacturer’s packaging is sturdy and packed well to maximise warehouse floor space, and this will also save you money on purchasing additional packing supplies.

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When storing furniture or furnishings, cover over with blankets or unique furniture covers. It’s a good idea to take apart furniture to store, as you can fit it into a much smaller space. This will save on space, meaning you can store more items and possibly only need to hire a smaller, less expensive unit. Stacking chairs are also sensible and will save you a lot of space.

If you store fragile items or glassware, wrap them tightly in separate boxes labelled as fragile. This will help you to avoid damaging the contents when looking for and moving other boxes in the unit. You must also use your most robust and sturdiest boxes for these items.

If you follow these tips and stick to a good routine each time you access your unit, you’ll make the process much smoother and save yourself time, space, and some money. You’ll also keep your home clutter-free to get on with whatever needs doing there, like a move, renovation, or redecoration.

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