Enjoy Holidays at Home Without Spending a Fortune

Mortgage rates, Rental prices, Fuel costs, Fresh Food increases and Energy rates rising, living through a Cost-of-Living-Crisis is difficult for many individuals, couples and families.  The idea of a foreign holiday or a new car is a luxury not many can afford.  Staying at home during the holidays is now relatively common and Staycations are becoming big business for many travel companies.  Some families are actually choosing to stay in their own homes and enjoy days out together, walking in local woods, swimming in nearby pools or rivers and eating at friendly, affordable cafes or in the comfort of their own gardens.

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Ordering on-line, affordable, tasty treats such as an Afternoon tea box delivery from a well-established, experienced, professional company such as www.afternoonteabox.com/.   These boxes full of delicious, freshly made sandwiches, cream cakes, two traditional scones, with pots of jam and cream, alongside plenty of tea-bags, fresh juice or champagne can be delivered anywhere in the Country.  Why spend a fortune on Michelin Starred restaurants when you can enjoy a scrumptious, traditional Afternoon tea box delivery, sitting outside in the sunshine, in the comfort of your own garden.

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Enjoy days out close to home and visit places you have never been to before, the local Park or Stately Home and its beautiful gardens.  Go for a pleasant stroll around a lake or through a forest, these ideas don’t cost a fortune and can be enjoyed by anyone of any age.

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