Having lived through one of the worst epidemics in history, most ordinary families are starting to rebuild their lives and get back “To Normal” or “The New Normal” as lots of Health Care professionals and Politicians have called it. There are no longer any Coronavirus restrictions in place in the United Kingdom and lots of other foreign countries have also lifted many of their strict rules for travel. This is fantastic news for lots of people who during the two years or so of lockdowns and isolations were kept from visiting family and friends who happened to be living abroad. You no longer have to take a Covid test before you leave home or quarantine when you return. The latest Government advice is to have all your vaccinations up to date, check the Country’s travel advice that you intend to visit and get a N.H.S. Covid pass.
When travelling abroad no matter what other restrictions are in place you must always abide by your Airline’s guidelines that are in force, on baggage weight limits and contents. There are strict rules on what can or can’t be carried onto the airplane and what must be stored safely in the hold of the aircraft. Your suitcase should be lightweight, sturdy, have a clear luggage label, be locked securely and ideally have a Security Seal attached to the handle and lock purchased from a professional company such as https://acmeseals.co.uk/, this gives you extra peace of mind that your baggage cannot be tampered with before, during or after the flight. The security seal also prevents opportunist thieves, or professional drug/money laundering criminals from using your suitcase to smuggle their drugs or money through Customs!
Visiting family and friends as far away as Australia, New Zealand, China or Tonga is once more a possibility and being able to travel wherever or whenever you want open to limitless opportunities. Just make sure before you venture once more up into the clear blue skies that your passport is valid, any health documents are in order, you’ve checked out the country you are visiting for any local restrictions, and you have plenty of the correct currency and a monetary travel card ready. Now all that’s left is to purchase your tickets, pack your suitcases and off you go.