How to Improve your Clothes Storages and De-Clutter your Wardrobe

Most people find that they need more storage at some point and modern houses in particular often don’t have as much storage built in as we might like. Living in a home that is too cluttered means that it can be harder to keep tidy and also finding the things that you want can be difficult too.

One of the things that many people can struggle with is clothing storage. If you have a wardrobe that is cluttered and overfilled, and you are struggling to find what you want, then now is a good time to get it sorted out.

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Here are some of the things that you can do to improve your wardrobe and make it easier to find the right outfit straight away…

Clear Out – First of all you will need it to get worse before it gets better. In order to sort the wardrobe out properly, you will need to get everything out of it so that you can see what you have actually got in there. Be honest and brutal when you go through it – if you haven’t thought about it or worn it in a while (or ever) then get rid of it – either by donating it to charity, or you can sell it if you want to make some money.

Improve your Storage – Once you have the wardrobe empty and know what clothes you are keeping, you can then make improvements to the storage space that you have in there. Adding extra things like hooks can increase the storage capacity and make things more orderly, as can baskets which you can use for a wide range of things, from jewellery to handbags. Have a look at what you want to store and think about where the extra space can be used more effectively.

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Have Storage Elsewhere for Seasonal Clothes – As we are currently heading into spring and summer, you are unlikely to need a lot of bulky coats and heavy thick jumpers. These will be taking up space in the wardrobe for a good few months, so think about storing them in other places – you could use a storage facility like this self storage Swindon based company or you could vacuum pack them, or utilise other storage such as under the bed.

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