What Is a Direct Traffic Source?

There are three main ways in which people end up on a company’s website:

1. Organically

This is where they enter a search term into their chosen search engine and click on the listing they deem most relevant. When a company’s SEO is optimised, the searcher is more likely to click through to their website to find the information they are after.

2. Pay Per Click

PPC adverts are generated by PPC agencies and hosted by search engines. They are situated at the top of a search engine results page in the hope that searchers will click them rather than browsing through the lower-ranking results. Each time one of these links is clicked, it generates a payment to the PPC agency but simultaneously drives higher website traffic, potentially increasing sales and visibility for the company that requisitioned the advert.

3. Direct Traffic

Direct traffic is when someone inputs the company’s web address directly into their search bar or uses a bookmark to visit their site rather than clicking through from a referral link or search engine results page. This usually occurs when someone is a frequent visitor to the site, such as a loyal customer, an employee or a supplier.

If you are looking to grow your brand, you will need to rely on organic or PPC traffic, as you will not already have a reliable source of direct traffic. You could go to https://www.nettl.com/uk/ppc-agency-near-me for a company that will help you to achieve your aims and objectives, whether that be by improving your SEO or launching PPC adverts for you.

Remember, when searching for a PPC agency near me, the highest-ranking results will be those who have either paid for a top listing or whose SEO is optimised. They are effectively demonstrating their worth by occupying the top half of the first results page so should be your first port of call when you begin discussing your needs and comparing offerings.

Once your business is well established, an increase in direct traffic will indicate that your brand visibility is growing.

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