What Diet to Observe for Chronic Gastritis

Diet with chronic gastritis of the stomach is one of the important steps on the way to recovery. With different variants of the disease, it is important to know what kind of food to adhere to. And take into account all the requirements of the selected or prescribed by the doctor diet.

General rules

Diet for any form of chronic gastritis has a number of identical rules and features:

  • There is a need at the same time 4-6 times a day.
  • The last meal is 2-3 hours before bedtime.
  • All food is cooked for a couple, brewed, baked or stewed.
  • Nutrition is fractional, in small portions (so that the feeling of hunger is gone, but there is no feeling of overeating).
  • The temperature of the dishes is average. It is best to eat food at room temperature (up to 50 degrees).
  • Prohibited fatty, fried, spicy and salty foods.

The listed items are present in all dietary options. Their observance is an obligatory part of complex treatment.

Nutrition during an exacerbation

With exacerbation of chronic gastritis, the basis of the diet is soups in the form of mashed potatoes, mucus soups, liquid cereals, cooked and mashed vegetables. The first 2 days allowed to use only mucus soups (for example, rice). Then, for 3-4 days, soups-mashed potatoes, liquid porridges and mashed potatoes, puddings from vegetables are added.

During an exacerbation, all pickles, smoked products, fried, fatty and canned food, mayonnaise and other similar sauces fall under the ban. In this period, on the contrary, a sparing (physically, chemically and thermally) diet should be observed. In a complex with a diet are accepted and appointed by the gastroenterologist medicines.

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Permitted and Prohibited Products

The first 14 days, at the beginning of an exacerbation, the diet is the strictest and must be observed. Products should only be cooked or cooked for a couple. In addition to soups and cereals, you can prepare puddings and casseroles without peas.


  • low-fat diet meat (veal, rabbit, beef), poultry (chicken fillet and turkey) and fish (flounder, hake, etc.) – ground, in the form of steam cutlets, meatballs or finely chopped in soup;
  • rice, semolina, oat and buckwheat groats for cereals and soups;
  • you can eat a little pasta; excellent options will be casserole from spaghetti / vermicelli;
  • their vegetables: boiled potatoes and carrots (but with the improvement of the condition and expansion of the diet);
  • yesterday’s white bread and biscuits – with the expansion of the diet and with the permission of the doctor;
  • Krisel from berries (sweet) with honey, they will have an excellent effect on the healing of the gastric mucosa;
  • it is recommended to use milk, on its basis it is possible to prepare porridges and even milk soups;
  • as other dairy products, non-acid curd and a little sour cream (several spoons a day);
  • as a drink, green tea (but it should not be strong), you can add a little milk to the tea, also decoctions of rose hips and various herbs will be a good choice.

Every day you need to eat about 10 g of butter. It will relieve irritation and inflammation from the walls of the stomach and accelerate the healing of the mucosa.


  • fatty meat varieties (pork, lamb);
  • use fatty birds (goose, duck) and fish;
  • raw vegetables;
  • gray and black bread, any fresh bread, baking;
  • mushrooms;
  • fruit (only baked sweet apples are allowed, but after permission of the doctor);
  • sour berries, any berries in raw form;
  • any spices except salt (but not more than 10 g per day): mayonnaise, ketchup, mustard, etc .;
  • You cannot eat pearl, barley and corn cereals;
  • beans (peas, beans, etc.);
  • sweets (only honey is allowed);
  • strong tea, coffee, kvass and all alcohol.

With chronic erosive gastritis

With erosive gastritis, the gastric mucosa is damaged in single or multiple places. Therefore, the protection of the walls of the stomach from chemical, physical and temperature influences is required. A strict, gentle diet should be observed, as with exacerbation of the disease, which will minimize inflammation and accelerate the healing of erosion.

The first 1-2 weeks the patient adheres to a diet, which is prescribed for exacerbation. Then he is prescribed a less strict diet. Grits are allowed, if they first have to be liquid and mucous, now you can just cook viscous and semi-viscous.

Low-fat diet meat and fish can be baked, cooked or steamed. It can be served in grated or slices. Vegetables need to cook and grind or grind in a food processor.

From fruits you can eat apples in baked form. But you need to choose sweet fruits, for example, varieties of gold. Categorically one cannot eat apples. They are often acidic and will irritate the stomach mucosa. In the rest, the list of prohibitions corresponds to a diet during exacerbation.

Diet with erosive gastritis lasts about 20-25 days and gradually becomes less strict. But all the products must be crushed, and with the use of food you need to thoroughly chew.

Diet with gastritis with high acidity

The principles and rules of nutrition in this case do not differ from those already listed. The list of products, both authorized and forbidden, is almost identical to the one already voiced, with a number of nuances. This is due to the fact that the secretion of gastric juice is high, and the purpose of treatment is to reduce it. That is why a number of acidic foods are excluded from the diet.

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Diet in chronic gastritis with high acidity has the following features:

  • Absolutely all citrus fruits, especially lemons, are forbidden. But even sweet, at first glance, tangerines or oranges can raise the level of acid in the stomach.
  • From sour-milk products, you can only have a small amount of cottage cheese. For the period of treatment, one should avoid eating fermented baked milk, curdled milk and yogurt.
  • The use of apples, even sweet ones, is minimized. The ideal option for their preparation is baking.
  • It is necessary to exclude the kiwi from the diet. Usually, the attending physician can include it in the diet of a sick gastritis (the fetus has a good effect on the healing process of the mucosa). But with increased acidity, the acid contained in the kiwi only worsens the condition of the stomach.
  • Under the ban fall and drinks containing caffeine (coffee, cocoa and even tea), which affects the increase in acidity.
  • Nutrition for gastritis with low acidity

With gastritis with a low acidity, the production of hydrochloric acid in the stomach is very low. In this case, the task is a small increase in these indicators. Therefore, with chronic gastritis with low acidity, the general dietary requirements are followed, a list of what is possible and what is not corresponds to diet.

Increase the level of hydrochloric acid by introducing a small amount of acidic foods into the diet. So, you can eat a little citrus or kiwi. But this amount should be limited, 1-2 small fruits a week will be quite enough. Do not try to eat them at a time, so you can only hurt yourself. Divide the fruit into several meals.

With this form of the disease, you can safely include in the diet sour-milk products, for example, kefir, fermented baked milk or curdled milk. And also baked apples.

Nutrition for chronic superficial gastritis

Superficial gastritis is one of the mildly expressed forms of chronic gastritis. In this case, the damage affects only the surface layer of the inner walls of the stomach. Therefore, there is no need to observe a strict diet with superficial gastritis.

Completely abandon only carbonated drinks, but the use of mineral waters without gases is recommended by doctors. And also completely stop the use of smoked products, marinades and hot sauces. Significantly reduce the amount of spices used and salt.

During an exacerbation with superficial gastritis, you need:

  • Limit the consumption of fatty and fried foods, but you cannot completely abandon it.
  • Reduce the amount of coarse fiber in the diet.
  • Adhere to dietary, low-fat food, steamed, boiled, stewed or baked in foil.
  • The food must necessarily be crushed (4-6 times a day), and there is a need at a certain time, according to the schedule.
  • Reduce the amount of alcohol consumed, and it is better to give up altogether.

As a result, it turns out that the diet with different types of gastritis is very similar. The basic principles are observed in any case (fractional meals and according to the schedule, refusal from fatty and fried, reduction or rejection of coarse fiber, etc.). And the presented variants of diets will help you to overcome a difficult path of treatment.

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