How To Win Customers With Your Auto Mechanics Workshop

How To Win Customers With Your Auto Mechanics Workshop 2

The biggest challenge of any mechanical workshop is to win the loyalty and favor of the customers. That is the essence of being and what holds, at the end of accounts, to all business that is dedicated to services. The main value of an auto mechanic workshop is its ability to solve, quickly and at once, the problems and incidents that a person faces with their car, quickly and honestly. How can we prove this point to our customers: let them know that we are the best option in a competitive market, full of options and low prices?

Defend your image

In these days of social networks, any complaint can grow to become a real tsunami against a business. It is vital that you consider that you have the least ally of your mechanical workshop in each client, but that if you do not activate the right keys it will become your worst enemy, a being that will fill every unprepared ear with curses about the quality and honesty of your services. The best thing you can do against these intolerant is to have adequate supervision over each service you provide and several channels for customers to communicate with you and specify what was not satisfactory for your services. That is to say: you need an adequate quality control. Remember that the customer is not always right, but he does have the upper hand.How To Win Customers With Your Auto Mechanics Workshop

Have an easy-to-recognize facade

Something that seems obvious, but that certainly is not: for our workshop to be visited, it must be in full view of who is looking for it. And it is that so many social networks and web page have made us forget that what counts at street level is a colorful and informative facade. First, it must be clear that your business is an auto mechanic workshop, second: your name or business name, third: your certification and fourth: the services you offer. Any additional information on these points is appreciated (specialties, offers, schedules …), but it is important that they do not hide the essential information. You can also choose a painted facade in a cheerful and representative way.

Cleaning and transparency

They look like two identical values, but it is not like that, and they play the same for you or against you if you do not know how to respect the rules that each one marks for an auto mechanic workshop. For cleaning we talk about the state of the workshop and its staff: order, hygiene, uniformity are its keys. Nothing out of place, nothing strident, nothing dangerous … Regarding transparency, we refer to the need for the client to be informed clearly about the faults of his car and the charges that maintenance and repair must cause, including all concepts and no surprises at the last minute. You can be aware that

if your workshop does not respect what they order cleanliness and transparency, you can forget your clients …How To Win Customers With Your Auto Mechanics Workshop

Car reception

In order for your auto mechanic shop to obtain a greater number of customers, there is a crucial point: the way in which the cars that will be subject to review and service are received. It is vital to reduce waiting times and solve all your doubts in the presence of the client so that in this sense your best strategy will be to have a person (or a crew, according to your possibilities) to receive the vehicles and personalized attention to the client. It is also necessary to have a workshop area exclusively for newly arrived cars. The time you save the client and the way you solve your doubts becomes your tranquility and your preference for your auto mechanic workshop.

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Exhibit your technology

Today the owner of the car distrusts the eye of the traditional mechanic. What now gives a prestige to an automotive mechanic’s workshop is the technology that it possesses and applies in the review and diagnosis of cars. For this reason, regardless of the quality or the updated status of your measuring and diagnostic devices, always keep them in sight: wherever you let your client know that you have an interest in being at the top of the table when it comes to attention and service: from everything that has to do with the electrical system to cranes and assembly equipment. Remember: technology is the new showcase of your skills.How To Win Customers With Your Auto Mechanics Workshop

Respect the budget

What most takes away prestige from an auto mechanic workshop (and if that’s what we’re going to do to the entire sector) are the budgets that grow back to the customer. No doubt, new breakdowns always arise once you start with the thorough review of a vehicle, but to act in this way is much like a fraud (even if it is not). To avoid this unfortunate trance for the client and for the workshop, we recommend three strategies:

  • Do not rush to give a budget: if you have doubts, better wait for a more thorough review of the car,
  • If new charges arise a budget already made, consult with the client before taking a step.
  • If there is a discussion on added charges, you prefer to lose a few Dollars than the prestige of your auto mechanic workshop.


What diagnostic and repair techniques worked best? Which mechanics have the most consolidated achievements? What areas of the workshop give a better service in the shortest time? What services are the most conflicting in your auto mechanic workshop? If you keep track of what your workshop does well and where you need to improve, it will be much easier to undertake improvement in all areas.

What defines the success of an auto mechanic workshop? The number of services it provides, the number of vehicles it rehabilitates, the number of satisfied customers it has. These are the brands that you must strive for day after day.

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