Unusual places to mount your TV

Today’s TV is about much more than entertainment available on only a handful of channels. Nowadays, people watch television to teach themselves new skills, stay informed of current events, and for entertainment, among a host of other things. In fact, there might well be no such thing as too much TV!

Unusual places to mount your TV

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The question becomes then, where else can we put one? The sitting room is obvious, of course, but many households now have more than one television. Read on for some more inventive ideas of where to mount a TV around the house.

The bathroom

One super-indulgent option is mounting a TV so it’s visible from the bath, allowing you to relax in the evening surrounded by candles and bubbles. In fact, you and your family probably spend more time in the bathroom than you realise, especially if you are doing hair and makeup in there, too.

Hide it

Not everyone wants their television on show, so you can also be very creative about hiding it. Think about putting it in a fireplace, with the surround making it into a beautiful feature whether or not there is a picture, though you could of course ‘play’ an image of a fire. You could put it in a cabinet, but that’s fairly obvious. How about hiding it behind a mirror or a bespoke painting?

Unusual places to mount your TV2

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With the summer months fast approaching, consider taking the TV outside onto a patio or deck. Make sure you consider a waterproof housing, because our weather is not reliable, and then sit back and enjoy the show whilst breathing in the fresh air.

For more information on the details of how to mount your TV on the wall, see the advice from someone like Curry’s to make sure you get it right. Of course, there are lots of companies who can help you connect everything correctly and install it all so it works smoothly, such as Calne TV aerial installation firm, Steve Unett (http://steveunettaerials.co.uk/services/satellite-repair-installation-calne/).

These days, it’s difficult to find someone who has never spent a weekend binge-watching their favourite show. Binge-watching is even in the Oxford English Dictionary now. Getting yourself comfortable in the right place to watch TV is more important than ever. Spend the time getting it right and you won’t regret it.

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